Discover EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Coaching
Introducing Marilu Wren our EFT expert and Energy Coach at Modbury Therapy Centre! Here is some information about what she does and how she can help you ~
I love to educate & empower women with advancement blocks, who are feeling lost & stuck in their lives. I help to dissolve their emotional blocks and shift their limiting beliefs so they can move closer to their goals & dreams.
What is EFT?
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as Tapping, is a form of psychological acupressure which uses a gentle tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional acupuncture points and balance the meridian energy system, relieving both psychological stress & physical pain.
During a tapping session, we focus on the negative aspects of our stress which are generally unprocessed emotions, beliefs and traumas which are still operating and controlling our lives.
It’s been proven to calm the Amygdala, bringing you out of fight/flight and stimulates the central nervous systems causing the body to release helpful chemicals.
What is an energy coach?
As an Energy Coach I use my qualifications as an Advanced EFT Practitioner and a Kinesiologist, alongside my experience with Energy Medicine to help my clients shift unhelpful energies and create balance, emotionally, physically & mentally.
What is EFT good for?
Whilst EFT can be applied to a wide range of issues, I particularly love to use this powerful protocol to shift the stories we’ve held onto so long, often due to events or traumas which create a limiting belief about ourselves., I love to work with issues such as:
- Self doubt
- Sense of overwhelm
- Procrastination
- Self Sabotage
- Imposter Syndrome
- Low confidence & self esteem
What is seeing an energy coach good for/and/or benefits of having/seeing an energy coach?
It’s invaluable to recognise the mind body connection when we seek to create wellbeing for ourselves. To understand how our emotions have a huge part to play in how our body is feeling. If we don’t deal with stress or stuck emotions, they can then translate to a physical symptom. Once we start to view our body this way, it empowers us to take responsibility for our own wellbeing.
What problems does EFT solve?
- Stress & anxiety
- Trauma & pain
- Insecurity & self esteem
- Performance issues
- Self limiting beliefs
- Disruptive behavioural patterns
- Fears & Phobias
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
The best thing about EFT?
There are so many upsides to EFT, but other than being fast & effective, it’s also safe and painless, often working when nothing else will. Although a 1:1 session with a practitioner helps to deep dive and clear those stubborn issues, once learnt the technique can be used anytime, anywhere and is a great self-help tool.
The best thing about seeing an energy coach
It’s all about the subtle energies in a session. I love to create space for my clients, to give them the time to connect with the body, to listen to what it’s sharing with them. I’m able to pick up on the subtle cues and language which lead to a deeper understanding, often reflecting back the issue to the client in a way that helps them truly understand what’s holding them back.
What you love about EFT?
I love to see the shifts that EFT can bring after a tapping round, to witness the lightness my clients feel after releasing what has been holding them back for so long. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful this work is and how needed.
For me it’s all about resourcing women with these powerful energetic tools to rediscover themselves and find safety within.
Ready to make a change?
Feel free to call me on 07974 718067 or to get a feel for me and what I do please visit where you can also book a free Clarity Call with me.