Acupuncture for period pain
Navigating the ebbs and flows of a woman's monthly cycle can be empowering, but for many, it comes with a painful companion – menstrual cramps. If you're in the 95 percent of women experiencing this discomfort, you understand the toll it takes on daily life.
The frustration of menstrual cramps goes beyond physical discomfort; it disrupts your routine and affects your well-being. It's important to acknowledge this struggle and seek a solution that resonates with your unique needs.
Acupuncture is an ancient practice deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. At its core, acupuncture addresses the imbalance of the body's energy, known as "qi." Through the strategic insertion of needles, it aims to restore equilibrium, offering a natural and safe alternative for those seeking relief from menstrual pain.
Scientific studies endorse acupuncture's efficacy in reducing menstrual pain. Whether it's diminishing pain intensity, shortening duration, or alleviating secondary symptoms, acupuncture has consistently proven its efficacy. Research from Australian Obstetrics and Gynaecology experts suggests lasting benefits for up to a year.
What sets acupuncture apart is its holistic approach. It's not merely about mitigating symptoms but about understanding and addressing the root causes of your pain. From enhancing blood flow and hormonal balance to reducing inflammation and triggering the release of endorphins, acupuncture strives to bring your body back into harmony.
Menstrual Phase.Alleviate cramps, headaches, nausea, and promote blood circulation.
Follicular Phase: .Enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, supporting endometrial lining thickening.
Ovulation Phase: If you're trying to conceive, boost body temperature and facilitate egg release.
Luteal Phase: Address premenstrual symptoms or prepare the body for potential implantation.
In your quest for relief from menstrual cramps, acupuncture offers more than a solution. As a fully qualified acupuncturist I invite you to experience the power of acupuncture.
You can find me at the Modbury Therapy Centre on Tuesdays and Fridays. Let's work together to redefine your relationship with your monthly pain and pave the way for a balanced and empowered menstrual experience.
Giusi Pezzotta MSc
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash